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ERDDAP > tabledap > Subset ?

Dataset Title:  ru06-20100125T2305 Delayed Mode Science Profiles Subscribe RSS
Institution:  Rutgers University   (Dataset ID: ru06-20100125T2305-profile-sci-delayed)
Information:  Summary ? | License ? | FGDC | ISO 19115 | Metadata | Background (external link) | Data Access Form | Files | Make a graph

Select a subset:      (Current number of distinct combinations of matching data: 32)
Make as many selections as you want, in any order. Each selection changes the other options (and the map and data below) accordingly.

    source_file ?  =  6 options
    profile_id ?  =  32 options
    profile_lat ?  =  degree_north   32 options
    profile_lon ?  =  degree_east   32 options
    profile_time ?  =  32 options

View:      Map of All Related Data ?      Distinct Data Counts ?     Distinct Data ?      Related Data Counts ?     Related Data ?

Map of All Related Data ?   (Refine the map and/or download the image)

To view the map, check View : Map of All Related Data above.

WARNING: This may involve lots of data. For some datasets, this may be slow. Consider using this only when you need it and have selected a small subset of the data.

Distinct Data Counts ?

To view the counts of distinct combinations of the variables listed above,
check View : Distinct Data Counts above and select a value for one of the variables above.


Distinct Data ?   (Metadata)    (Refine the data subset and/or download the data)  

source_file profile_id profile_lat profile_lon profile_time
degree_north degree_east UTC
ru06-2010-024-4-0-dbd(02990000) 1.264461134E9 -69.83272892885016 -75.51303846828863 2010-01-25T23:12:16Z
ru06-2010-024-4-0-dbd(02990000) 1.264461268E9 -69.8329794739717 -75.51337979062814 2010-01-25T23:14:27Z
ru06-2010-024-4-0-dbd(02990000) 1.264461411E9 -69.83325905171111 -75.51376066464991 2010-01-25T23:16:53Z
ru06-2010-024-4-0-dbd(02990000) 1.264461561E9 -69.83353943795748 -75.514142640116 2010-01-25T23:19:19Z
ru06-2010-024-4-10-dbd(02990010) 1.264471834E9 -69.82722519606845 -75.5381942977329 2010-01-26T02:10:30Z
ru06-2010-024-4-10-dbd(02990010) 1.26447233E9 -69.82592697047119 -75.5395117371429 2010-01-26T02:18:52Z
ru06-2010-024-4-10-dbd(02990010) 1.26447286E9 -69.82455804243001 -75.54090092539703 2010-01-26T02:27:42Z
ru06-2010-024-4-10-dbd(02990010) 1.264473445E9 -69.82304643956412 -75.54243490007136 2010-01-26T02:37:27Z
ru06-2010-024-4-10-dbd(02990010) 1.264474022E9 -69.82156840295448 -75.54393481170698 2010-01-26T02:46:59Z
ru06-2010-024-4-10-dbd(02990010) 1.264474605E9 -69.82005384224206 -75.54547178800414 2010-01-26T02:56:45Z
ru06-2010-024-4-10-dbd(02990010) 1.264475205E9 -69.81850850279001 -75.54703999856804 2010-01-26T03:06:43Z
ru06-2010-024-4-10-dbd(02990010) 1.264475754E9 -69.81706351233062 -75.54850637496848 2010-01-26T03:16:02Z
ru06-2010-024-4-12-dbd(02990012) 1.264477324E9 -69.81508086305863 -75.55050761014051 2010-01-26T03:42:04Z
ru06-2010-024-4-12-dbd(02990012) 1.264477929E9 -69.81350213218948 -75.55259893369566 2010-01-26T03:52:02Z
ru06-2010-024-4-12-dbd(02990012) 1.264478511E9 -69.81194876641007 -75.55465665645751 2010-01-26T04:01:51Z
ru06-2010-024-4-12-dbd(02990012) 1.264479042E9 -69.81055594707016 -75.55650170550962 2010-01-26T04:10:39Z
ru06-2010-024-4-12-dbd(02990012) 1.264479442E9 -69.80949583910896 -75.55790601627187 2010-01-26T04:17:21Z
ru06-2010-024-4-12-dbd(02990012) 1.264479727E9 -69.80873845486295 -75.55890931299895 2010-01-26T04:22:08Z
ru06-2010-024-4-2-dbd(02990002) 1.264462895E9 -69.83415882987758 -75.5148700637313 2010-01-25T23:41:35Z
ru06-2010-024-4-2-dbd(02990002) 1.26446331E9 -69.83503330412903 -75.51593108162838 2010-01-25T23:48:27Z
ru06-2010-024-4-2-dbd(02990002) 1.264463714E9 -69.83589964200802 -75.51698222749461 2010-01-25T23:55:15Z
ru06-2010-024-4-2-dbd(02990002) 1.264464105E9 -69.83672791214457 -75.51798718497278 2010-01-26T00:01:45Z
ru06-2010-024-4-6-dbd(02990006) 1.264465844E9 -69.83673569090524 -75.51942214941766 2010-01-26T00:30:39Z
ru06-2010-024-4-6-dbd(02990006) 1.264466137E9 -69.83690610612317 -75.52049322401098 2010-01-26T00:35:38Z
ru06-2010-024-4-8-dbd(02990008) 1.264467252E9 -69.83617001681752 -75.52275699126429 2010-01-26T00:54:07Z
ru06-2010-024-4-8-dbd(02990008) 1.264467826E9 -69.83485230773117 -75.52494170476254 2010-01-26T01:03:48Z
ru06-2010-024-4-8-dbd(02990008) 1.264468404E9 -69.83353677394688 -75.52712281168948 2010-01-26T01:13:28Z
ru06-2010-024-4-8-dbd(02990008) 1.264468994E9 -69.83220674260474 -75.52932795503742 2010-01-26T01:23:15Z
ru06-2010-024-4-8-dbd(02990008) 1.26446955E9 -69.83094397950434 -75.53142157009944 2010-01-26T01:32:32Z
ru06-2010-024-4-8-dbd(02990008) 1.26447009E9 -69.82972831980362 -75.53343708944658 2010-01-26T01:41:28Z
ru06-2010-024-4-8-dbd(02990008) 1.264470468E9 -69.82886678637395 -75.53486548038089 2010-01-26T01:47:48Z
ru06-2010-024-4-8-dbd(02990008) 1.264470671E9 -69.82840905632963 -75.5356243800627 2010-01-26T01:51:09Z

In total, there are 32 rows of distinct combinations of the variables listed above. All of the rows are shown above.
To change the maximum number of rows displayed, change View : Distinct Data above.

Related Data Counts ?

To view the related data counts,
check View : Related Data Counts above and select a value for one of the variables above.

WARNING: This may involve lots of data. For some datasets, this may be slow. Consider using this only when you need it and have selected a small subset of the data.

Related Data ?   (Metadata)    (Refine the data subset and/or download the data)

To view the related data, change View : Related Data above.

WARNING: This may involve lots of data. For some datasets, this may be slow. Consider using this only when you need it and have selected a small subset of the data.

ERDDAP, Version 2.24
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