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griddap Subset tabledap Make A Graph wms files Title Summary FGDC ISO 19115 Info Background Info RSS Email Institution Dataset ID ru32-20240723T1443 Delayed Mode Science Profiles Deployment of a Slocum glider to perform seasonal surveys of dissolved oxygen concentrations in the shallow coastal waters of New Jersey.  This deployment is part of the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection's yearly coastal waters oxygen monitoring efforts. This glider carried a CTD, Seabird Scientific ECO triplet fluorescence-backscatter-chlorophyll a sensor, and Aanderaa dissolved oxygen sensor. Delayed mode dataset.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntime (m_present_time, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth (CTD Depth, m)\ntrajectory (Trajectory/Deployment Name)\nprofile_id\nprofile_lat (Profile Center Latitude, degree_north)\nprofile_lon (Profile Center Longitude, degree_east)\nsource_file (Source data file)\nplatform (ru32 Slocum G2)\ninstrument_ctd (Sea-Bird Slocum Glider GPCTD)\ninstrument_flbbcdslc (ECO Puck Triplet FLBBCD-SLC)\ninstrument_optode (AA Optode 4831)\ninstrument_pH (Deep ISFET Glider-based pH Sensor)\ninstrument_vmt (Vemco Mobile Transceiver (VMT))\naragonite_saturation_state (1)\nbeta_700nm (Beta 700nm at 117 degrees, m-1 sr-1)\nbeta_700nm_reference (Beta 700nm Reference at 117 degrees, m-1 sr-1)\nbeta_700nm_signal (Beta 700nm Signal at 117 degrees, m-1 sr-1)\ncdom (ppb)\ncdom_reference (nodim)\ncdom_signal (nodim)\nchlorophyll_a (ug L-1)\n... (94 more variables)\n, (external link) Rutgers University ru32-20240723T1443-profile-sci-delayed ru32-20240904T1537 Delayed Mode Science Profiles Deployment of a Slocum glider to perform seasonal surveys of dissolved oxygen concentrations in the shallow coastal waters of New Jersey.  This deployment is part of the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection's yearly coastal waters oxygen monitoring efforts.  This glider carried a CTD, Seabird Scientific ECO triplet fluorescence-backscatter-chlorophyll a sensor, and Aanderaa dissolved oxygen sensor. Delayed mode dataset.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntime (m_present_time, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth (CTD Depth, m)\ntrajectory (Trajectory/Deployment Name)\nprofile_id\nprofile_lat (Profile Center Latitude, degree_north)\nprofile_lon (Profile Center Longitude, degree_east)\nsource_file (Source data file)\nplatform (ru32 Slocum G2)\ninstrument_ctd (Sea-Bird Slocum Glider GPCTD)\ninstrument_flbbcdslc (ECO Puck Triplet FLBBCD-SLC)\ninstrument_optode (AA Optode 4831)\ninstrument_pH (Deep ISFET Glider-based pH Sensor)\ninstrument_vmt (Vemco Mobile Transceiver (VMT))\naragonite_saturation_state (1)\nbeta_700nm (Beta 700nm at 117 degrees, m-1 sr-1)\nbeta_700nm_reference (Beta 700nm Reference at 117 degrees, m-1 sr-1)\nbeta_700nm_signal (Beta 700nm Signal at 117 degrees, m-1 sr-1)\ncdom (ppb)\ncdom_reference (nodim)\ncdom_signal (nodim)\nchlorophyll_a (ug L-1)\n... (94 more variables)\n, (external link) Rutgers University ru32-20240904T1537-profile-sci-delayed ru34-20230920T1506 Delayed Mode Science Profiles This project is conducting a 2-year baseline survey with a pair of gliders deployed in each season, and a 3rd glider deployed three times per year to fill coverage gaps in the seasonal glider deployments from the onset of seasonal stratification associated with the Cold Pool formation in the spring to the physical breakdown in the fall. This glider deployment is the second of three gap-fill missions this year. The gliders are integrated with a full complement of available sensors to simultaneously map oceanographic and ecological variables. This glider is equipped with a CTD and pH sensor, a WETLabs FLBBCD ECO puck configured for simultaneous chlorophyll fluorescence and optical backscatter measurements, an Aanderaa Optode for measuring dissolved oxygen, and an Rx-LIVE fish telemetry receiver to track tagged species moving through the region. This approximately 21- to 30-day deployment out of Sandy Hook, New Jersey will run a zig-zag transect along the coast of New Jersey, in and around current and planned offshore wind lease areas, with a planned recovery out of Tuckerton, New Jersey. The real-time dataset contains CTD, chlorophyll a, CDOM, optical backscatter, and dissolved oxygen measurements. pH data and acoustically-derived data will be processed post-deployment. Delayed mode dataset.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntime (m_present_time, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth (CTD Depth, m)\ntrajectory (Trajectory/Deployment Name)\nprofile_id\nprofile_lat (Profile Center Latitude, degree_north)\nprofile_lon (Profile Center Longitude, degree_east)\nsource_file (Source data file)\nplatform (ru34 Slocum G3S)\ninstrument_ctd (Sea-Bird Slocum Glider GPCTD)\ninstrument_flbbcdslc (ECO Puck Triplet FLBBCD-SLC)\ninstrument_optode (AA Optode 4831)\ninstrument_pH (Deep ISFET Glider-based pH Sensor)\n... (103 more variables)\n (external link) Rutgers University ru34-20230920T1506-profile-sci-delayed ru39-20230420T1636 Delayed Mode Science Profiles This project is conducting a seasonal baseline survey with a pair of gliders deployed in each season over two years with a full complement of available sensors to simultaneously map oceanographic and ecological variables. This glider is equipped with a coupled CTD/pH sensor, a WETLabs FLBBCD ECO puck configured for simultaneous chlorophyll fluorescence and optical backscatter measurements, an Acoustic Zooplankton Fish Profiler (AZFP) multi-frequency echo sounder for active acoustic detection of pelagic organisms (transducers configured for zooplankton: 125, 200, 455, 769 kHz), and a Vemco VMT fish telemetry receiver to track tagged species moving through the region. This deployment out of Sandy Hook, New Jersey ran a zig-zag transect along the coast of New Jersey, in and around current and planned offshore wind lease areas, with a planned recovery out of Tuckerton, New Jersey. The dataset contains CTD, chlorophyll a, CDOM and optical backscatter measurements. pH data and acoustically-derived data will be processed separately. Delayed mode dataset.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntime (m_present_time, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth (CTD Depth, m)\ntrajectory (Trajectory/Deployment Name)\nprofile_id\nprofile_lat (Profile Center Latitude, degree_north)\nprofile_lon (Profile Center Longitude, degree_east)\nsource_file (Source data file)\nplatform (Slocum Glider ru39)\ninstrument_azfp (ASL AZFP)\ninstrument_ctd (Sea-Bird Slocum Glider GPCTD)\ninstrument_flbbcdslc (ECO Puck Triplet FLBBCD-SLC)\ninstrument_pH (Deep ISFET Glider-based pH Sensor)\ninstrument_vmt (Vemco Mobile Transceiver (VMT))\naragonite_saturation_state (1)\n... (82 more variables)\n (external link) Rutgers University ru39-20230420T1636-profile-sci-delayed ru39-20230817T1520 Delayed Mode Science Profiles This project is conducting a seasonal baseline survey with a pair of gliders deployed in each season over two years with a full complement of available sensors to simultaneously map oceanographic and ecological variables. This glider is equipped with a coupled CTD/pH sensor, a WETLabs FLBBCD ECO puck configured for simultaneous chlorophyll fluorescence and optical backscatter measurements, an Acoustic Zooplankton Fish Profiler (AZFP) multi-frequency echo sounder for active acoustic detection of pelagic organisms (transducers configured for fish using 38, 120, and 200 kHz), and a Vemco VMT fish telemetry receiver to track tagged species moving through the region. This approximately 21- to 30-day deployment out of Sandy Hook, New Jersey will run a zig-zag transect along the coast of New Jersey, in and around current and planned offshore wind lease areas, with a planned recovery out of Tuckerton, New Jersey. The real-time dataset contains CTD, chlorophyll a, CDOM and optical backscatter measurements. pH data and acoustically-derived data will be processed post-deployment. Delayed mode dataset.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntime (m_present_time, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth (CTD Depth, m)\ntrajectory (Trajectory/Deployment Name)\nprofile_id\nprofile_lat (Profile Center Latitude, degree_north)\nprofile_lon (Profile Center Longitude, degree_east)\nsource_file (Source data file)\nplatform (ru39 Slocum G3S)\ninstrument_azfp (ASL AZFP)\ninstrument_ctd (Sea-Bird Slocum Glider GPCTD)\ninstrument_flbbcdslc (ECO Puck Triplet FLBBCD-SLC)\ninstrument_pH (Deep ISFET Glider-based pH Sensor)\ninstrument_vmt (Vemco Mobile Transceiver (VMT))\naragonite_saturation_state (1)\n... (82 more variables)\n (external link) Rutgers University ru39-20230817T1520-profile-sci-delayed ru39-20231103T1413 Delayed Mode Science Profiles This project is conducting a seasonal baseline survey with a pair of gliders deployed in each season over two years with a full complement of available sensors to simultaneously map oceanographic and ecological variables. This glider is equipped with a coupled CTD/pH sensor, a WETLabs FLBBCD ECO puck configured for simultaneous chlorophyll fluorescence and optical backscatter measurements, an Acoustic Zooplankton Fish Profiler (AZFP) multi-frequency echo sounder for active acoustic detection of pelagic organisms (transducers configured for zooplankton using 120, 200, 455 and 769 kHz), and a Vemco VMT fish telemetry receiver to track tagged species moving through the region. This approximately 21- to 30-day deployment out of Manasquan, New Jersey will run a zig-zag transect along the coast of New Jersey, in and around current and planned offshore wind lease areas, with a planned recovery out of Tuckerton, New Jersey. The real-time dataset contains CTD, chlorophyll a, CDOM and optical backscatter measurements. pH data and acoustically-derived data will be processed post-deployment. Delayed mode dataset.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntime (m_present_time, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth (CTD Depth, m)\ntrajectory (Trajectory/Deployment Name)\nprofile_id\nprofile_lat (Profile Center Latitude, degree_north)\nprofile_lon (Profile Center Longitude, degree_east)\nsource_file (Source data file)\nplatform (ru39 Slocum G3S)\ninstrument_azfp (ASL AZFP)\ninstrument_ctd (Sea-Bird Slocum Glider GPCTD)\ninstrument_flbbcdslc (ECO Puck Triplet FLBBCD-SLC)\ninstrument_pH (Deep ISFET Glider-based pH Sensor)\ninstrument_vmt (Vemco Mobile Transceiver (VMT))\naragonite_saturation_state (1)\n... (82 more variables)\n (external link) Rutgers University ru39-20231103T1413-profile-sci-delayed ru39-20240215T1646 Delayed Mode Science Profiles This project is conducting a seasonal baseline survey with a pair of gliders deployed in each season over two years with a full complement of available sensors to simultaneously map oceanographic and ecological variables. This glider is equipped with a coupled CTD/pH sensor, a WETLabs FLBBCD ECO puck configured for simultaneous chlorophyll fluorescence and optical backscatter measurements, an Acoustic Zooplankton Fish Profiler (AZFP) multi-frequency echo sounder for active acoustic detection of pelagic organisms (transducers configured for zooplankton using 120, 200, 455 and 769 kHz), and a Vemco VMT fish telemetry receiver to track tagged species moving through the region. This approximately 21- to 30-day deployment out of Manasquan, New Jersey will run a zig-zag transect along the coast of New Jersey, in and around current and planned offshore wind lease areas, with a planned recovery out of Tuckerton, New Jersey. The real-time dataset contains CTD, chlorophyll a, CDOM, optical backscatter and pH measurements. Acoustically-derived data will be processed post-deployment. Delayed mode dataset.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntime (m_present_time, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth (CTD Depth, m)\ntrajectory (Trajectory/Deployment Name)\nprofile_id\nprofile_lat (Profile Center Latitude, degree_north)\nprofile_lon (Profile Center Longitude, degree_east)\nsource_file (Source data file)\nplatform (ru39 Slocum G3S)\ninstrument_azfp (ASL AZFP)\ninstrument_ctd (Sea-Bird Slocum Glider GPCTD)\ninstrument_flbbcdslc (ECO Puck Triplet FLBBCD-SLC)\ninstrument_pH (Deep ISFET Glider-based pH Sensor)\ninstrument_vmt (Vemco Mobile Transceiver (VMT))\naragonite_saturation_state (1)\n... (82 more variables)\n (external link) Rutgers University ru39-20240215T1646-profile-sci-delayed ru39-20240429T1522 Delayed Mode Science Profiles This project is conducting a seasonal baseline survey with a pair of gliders deployed in each season over two years with a full complement of available sensors to simultaneously map oceanographic and ecological variables. This glider is equipped with a coupled CTD/pH sensor, a WETLabs FLBBCD ECO puck configured for simultaneous chlorophyll fluorescence and optical backscatter measurements, an Acoustic Zooplankton Fish Profiler (AZFP) multi-frequency echo sounder for active acoustic detection of pelagic organisms (transducers configured for zooplankton using 120, 200, 455 and 769 kHz), and a Vemco VMT fish telemetry receiver to track tagged species moving through the region. This approximately 21- to 30-day deployment out of Manasquan, New Jersey will run a zig-zag transect along the coast of New Jersey, in and around current and planned offshore wind lease areas, with a planned recovery out of Tuckerton, New Jersey. The real-time dataset contains CTD, chlorophyll a, CDOM and optical backscatter measurements, and pH measurements. Acoustically-derived data will be processed post-deployment. Delayed mode dataset.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntime (m_present_time, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth (CTD Depth, m)\ntrajectory (Trajectory/Deployment Name)\nprofile_id\nprofile_lat (Profile Center Latitude, degree_north)\nprofile_lon (Profile Center Longitude, degree_east)\nsource_file (Source data file)\nplatform (ru39 Slocum G3S)\ninstrument_azfp (ASL AZFP)\ninstrument_ctd (Sea-Bird Slocum Glider GPCTD)\ninstrument_flbbcdslc (ECO Puck Triplet FLBBCD-SLC)\ninstrument_pH (Deep ISFET Glider-based pH Sensor)\ninstrument_vmt (Vemco Mobile Transceiver (VMT))\naragonite_saturation_state (1)\n... (82 more variables)\n (external link) Rutgers University ru39-20240429T1522-profile-sci-delayed ru39-20240723T1442 Delayed Mode Science Profiles This project is conducting a seasonal baseline survey with a pair of gliders deployed in each season over two years with a full complement of available sensors to simultaneously map oceanographic and ecological variables. This glider is equipped with a coupled CTD/pH sensor, a WETLabs FLBBCD ECO puck configured for simultaneous chlorophyll fluorescence and optical backscatter measurements, an Acoustic Zooplankton Fish Profiler (AZFP) multi-frequency echo sounder for active acoustic detection of pelagic organisms (transducers configured for fish using 38, 120, and 200 kHz), and a Vemco VMT fish telemetry receiver to track tagged species moving through the region. This approximately 21- to 30-day deployment out of Sayreville, New Jersey will run a zig-zag transect along the coast of New Jersey, in and around current and planned offshore wind lease areas, with a planned recovery out of Tuckerton, New Jersey. The real-time dataset contains CTD, chlorophyll a, CDOM, optical backscatter, and pH measurements. Acoustically-derived data will be processed post-deployment. Delayed mode dataset.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntime (m_present_time, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth (CTD Depth, m)\ntrajectory (Trajectory/Deployment Name)\nprofile_id\nprofile_lat (Profile Center Latitude, degree_north)\nprofile_lon (Profile Center Longitude, degree_east)\nsource_file (Source data file)\nplatform (ru39 Slocum G3S)\ninstrument_azfp (ASL AZFP)\ninstrument_ctd (Sea-Bird Slocum Glider GPCTD)\ninstrument_flbbcdslc (ECO Puck Triplet FLBBCD-SLC)\ninstrument_pH (Deep ISFET Glider-based pH Sensor)\ninstrument_vmt (Vemco Mobile Transceiver (VMT))\naragonite_saturation_state (1)\n... (82 more variables)\n (external link) Rutgers University ru39-20240723T1442-profile-sci-delayed ru39-20241021T1717 Delayed Mode Science Profiles This project is conducting a seasonal baseline survey with a pair of gliders deployed in each season over two years with a full complement of available sensors to simultaneously map oceanographic and ecological variables. This glider is equipped with a coupled CTD/pH sensor, a WETLabs FLBBCD ECO puck configured for simultaneous chlorophyll fluorescence and optical backscatter measurements, an Acoustic Zooplankton Fish Profiler (AZFP) multi-frequency echo sounder for active acoustic detection of pelagic organisms (transducers configured for fish using 38, 120, and 200 kHz), and a Vemco VMT fish telemetry receiver to track tagged species moving through the region. This approximately 21- to 30-day deployment out of Sayreville, New Jersey will run a zig-zag transect along the coast of New Jersey, in and around current and planned offshore wind lease areas, with a planned recovery out of Tuckerton, New Jersey. The real-time dataset contains CTD, chlorophyll a, CDOM, optical backscatter, and pH measurements. Acoustically-derived data will be processed post-deployment. Delayed mode dataset.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntime (m_present_time, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth (CTD Depth, m)\ntrajectory (Trajectory/Deployment Name)\nprofile_id\nprofile_lat (Profile Center Latitude, degree_north)\nprofile_lon (Profile Center Longitude, degree_east)\nsource_file (Source data file)\nplatform (ru39 Slocum G3S)\ninstrument_azfp (ASL AZFP)\ninstrument_ctd (Sea-Bird Slocum Glider GPCTD)\ninstrument_flbbcdslc (ECO Puck Triplet FLBBCD-SLC)\ninstrument_pH (Deep ISFET Glider-based pH Sensor)\ninstrument_vmt (Vemco Mobile Transceiver (VMT))\naragonite_saturation_state (1)\n... (82 more variables)\n (external link) Rutgers University ru39-20241021T1717-profile-sci-delayed ru39-20250226T1700 Real Time Science Profiles This project is conducting a seasonal baseline survey with a pair of gliders deployed in each season over two years with a full complement of available sensors to simultaneously map oceanographic and ecological variables. This glider is equipped with a coupled CTD/pH sensor, a WETLabs FLBBCD ECO puck configured for simultaneous chlorophyll fluorescence and optical backscatter measurements, an Acoustic Zooplankton Fish Profiler (AZFP) multi-frequency echo sounder for active acoustic detection of pelagic organisms (transducers configured for fish using 38, 120, and 200 kHz), and a Vemco VMT fish telemetry receiver to track tagged species moving through the region. This approximately 21- to 30-day deployment out of Sayreville, New Jersey will run a zig-zag transect along the coast of New Jersey, in and around current and planned offshore wind lease areas, with a planned recovery out of Tuckerton, New Jersey. The real-time dataset contains CTD, chlorophyll a, CDOM, optical backscatter, and pH measurements. Acoustically-derived data will be processed post-deployment.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntime (m_present_time, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth (CTD Depth, m)\ntrajectory (Trajectory/Deployment Name)\nprofile_id\nprofile_lat (Profile Center Latitude, degrees_north)\nprofile_lon (Profile Center Longitude, degrees_east)\nsource_file (Source data file)\nplatform (ru39 Slocum G3S)\ninstrument_azfp (ASL AZFP)\ninstrument_ctd (Sea-Bird Slocum Glider GPCTD)\ninstrument_flbbcdslc (ECO Puck Triplet FLBBCD-SLC)\ninstrument_pH (Deep ISFET Glider-based pH Sensor)\ninstrument_vmt (Vemco Mobile Transceiver (VMT))\naragonite_saturation_state (1)\n... (67 more variables)\n (external link) Rutgers University ru39-20250226T1700-profile-sci-rt ru43-20240612T1658 Delayed Mode Science Profiles This project is conducting a seasonal baseline survey with a pair of gliders deployed in each season over two years with a full complement of available sensors to simultaneously map oceanographic and ecological variables. This glider is equipped with a coupled CTD/pH sensor, a WETLabs FLBBCD ECO puck configured for simultaneous chlorophyll fluorescence and optical backscatter measurements, an Aanderaa Optode for measuring dissolved oxygen, and an Rx-LIVE fish telemetry receiver to track tagged species moving through the region. This approximately 21- to 30-day deployment out of Manasquan, New Jersey will run a zig-zag transect along the coast of New Jersey, in and around current and planned offshore wind lease areas, with a planned recovery out of Tuckerton, New Jersey. The real-time dataset contains CTD, pH, chlorophyll a, CDOM, optical backscatter, and dissolved oxygen measurements. Vemco acoustically-derived data will be processed post-deployment. Delayed mode dataset.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntime (m_present_time, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth (CTD Depth, m)\ntrajectory (Trajectory/Deployment Name)\nprofile_id\nprofile_lat (Profile Center Latitude, degree_north)\nprofile_lon (Profile Center Longitude, degree_east)\nsource_file (Source data file)\nplatform (ru43 Slocum G3S)\ninstrument_ctd (Sea-Bird Slocum Glider GPCTD)\ninstrument_flbbcdslc (ECO Puck Triplet FLBBCD-SLC)\ninstrument_optode (AA Optode 4831)\ninstrument_pH (Deep ISFET Glider-based pH Sensor)\ninstrument_vmt (Vemco Mobile Transceiver (VMT))\naragonite_saturation_state (1)\nbeta_700nm (Beta 700nm at 117 degrees, m-1 sr-1)\n... (100 more variables)\n (external link) Rutgers University ru43-20240612T1658-profile-sci-delayed ru43-20240904T1539 Delayed Mode Science Profiles This project is conducting a 2-year baseline survey with a pair of gliders deployed in each season, and a 3rd glider deployed three times per year to fill coverage gaps in the seasonal glider deployments from the onset of seasonal stratification associated with the Cold Pool formation in the spring to the physical breakdown in the fall. The gliders are integrated with a full complement of available sensors to simultaneously map oceanographic and ecological variables. For this gap-fill deployment, the glider is equipped with a CTD and pH sensor, a WETLabs FLBBCD ECO puck configured for simultaneous chlorophyll fluorescence and optical backscatter measurements, an Acoustic Zooplankton Fish Profiler (AZFP) multi-frequency echo sounder for active acoustic detection of pelagic organisms (transducers configured for zooplankton using 120, 200, 455, 769 kHz), and a VMT fish telemetry receiver to track tagged species moving through the region. This approximately 21- to 30-day deployment out of Sayreville, New Jersey will run a zig-zag transect along the coast of New Jersey, in and around current and planned offshore wind lease areas, with a planned recovery out of Tuckerton, New Jersey. The real-time dataset contains CTD, chlorophyll a, CDOM, optical backscatter, and pH measurements. Other carbonate chemistry data and acoustically-derived data will be processed post-deployment. Delayed mode dataset.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntime (m_present_time, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth (CTD Depth, m)\ntrajectory (Trajectory/Deployment Name)\nprofile_id\nprofile_lat (Profile Center Latitude, degree_north)\nprofile_lon (Profile Center Longitude, degree_east)\nsource_file (Source data file)\nplatform (ru43 Slocum G3S)\ninstrument_azfp (ASL AZFP)\ninstrument_ctd (Sea-Bird Slocum Glider GPCTD)\ninstrument_flbbcdslc (ECO Puck Triplet FLBBCD-SLC)\n... (85 more variables)\n (external link) Rutgers University ru43-20240904T1539-profile-sci-delayed

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